-- admin Cologne Cathedral Opening hours Cologne Cathedral Inhalt / Content1 Opening hours2 Tickets and prices3 South Tower4 Cologne Old Town Tour4.1 Cologne: Guided Highlights Tour with a Local4.2 Cologne: Private Walking Tour of City Center5 Cologne map6 How to get to Cologne Cathedral Opening hours Cologne Cathedral Opening hours Cologne Cathedral Month Day Time January – December Monday – Sunday 06:00 a.m. – 08:00 p.m. (prayer, confession or church service) January – December Monday – Saturday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm (tourist visit) January – December Sundays, public holidays 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (tourist visit) South Tower Month Day Time January – February daily 09:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m. March – October daily 09:00 a.m. – 06:00 p.m. November – December daily 09:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m. Last admission to the South Tower 30 minutes before closing. Closed: 01 January, Weiberfastnacht/Women’s Carnival, Carnival Saturday and Carnival Sunday, Shrove Monday, 24, 25, 31 December. The bell room in the south tower is only open from 2:00 p.m. on Sundays and public holidays. Domschatzkammer Month Day Time January – December daily 10:00 a.m. – 06:00 p.m. Closed: 01 January, Weiberfastnacht/Women’s Carnival, Carnival Saturday, Carnival Sunday, Carnival Monday, 05 September, 11 November, 24, 25, 31 December As of 2025 Tickets and prices Cologne Cathedral: free Admission to Cologne Cathedral is free at all times . South Tower (Cologne Cathedral) Adults 8,00 € reduced (people with disabilities (with ID)) 4,00 € Pupils, students 4,00 € Family ticket 20,00 € Combined ticket Treasury / Tower Climb 12,00 € Combined ticket Treasury / Tower Climb / reduced 6,00 € Combined ticket Family Treasury / Tower Climb 30,00 € Cathedral Treasury Adults 8,00 € reduced (people with disabilities (with ID)) 4,00 € Pupils, students 4,00 € Family ticket 20,00 € Combined ticket Treasury / Tower Climb 12,00 € Combined ticket Treasury / Tower Climb / reduced 6,00 € Combined ticket Family Treasury / Tower Climb 30,00 € As of 2025 South Tower South Tower (Cologne Cathedral): Climb to the viewing platform Cologne Old Town Tour Cologne: Guided Highlights Tour with a Local Price: from €14.00/personDuration: 1,5 hMeeting point: The stone finial in front of Cologne CathedralTour provider: KölnTourismus Book Tour* * commercial link to Getyourguide Cologne: Private Walking Tour of City Center Price: from 169,00 €/group (max. 9 persons)Duration: 2 hMeeting point: The stone finial in front of Cologne CathedralTour provider: LYN Tours Book Tour* * commercial link to Getyourguide Cologne map How to get to Cologne Cathedral Car Directions from the A3 motorwayFrom the A3 at the Köln Mühlheim exit, turn onto the road „Mühlheimer Zubringer“.From the „Mühlheimer Zubringer“ change to the B 8 or B 51 south in the direction of Köln Zentrum.Cross the Rhine over the Mühlheimer Bridge. Attention: Risk of traffic jams.Follow the B51 on the banks of the Rhine.Shortly before the Hohenzollern Bridge, turn right:Goldgasse (parking spaces at Breslauer Platz (= north exit of the station)Trankgasse (underground parking spaces at the cathedral below the cathedral slab)Directions from the A4 motorwayFrom the A 4 at the Köln-Süd junction, take the A 555 north towards Cologne.At the distribution circle, turn east onto the Militärring (= B 9 or B 51).Follow the B 9 or B 51 on the banks of the Rhine.After the Hohenzollern Bridge at Cologne Cathedral, turn left into the:Trankgasse (underground parking spaces at the cathedral below the cathedral slab)Goldgasse (parking spaces at Breslauer Platz (= north exit of the station) Train Cologne Cathedral is easily accessible by train. Take local or long-distance transport to Cologne Central Station. Cologne Cathedral stands opposite the reception hall of the station. advertising